The Future of Space Ground Systems
The future of space exploration and satellite operations is heavily reliant on the advancement of ground systems. In a recent webinar hosted by Payload, industry experts delved into this topic, exploring the evolution and future trends in space ground systems. This blog aims to summarize the key points discussed and highlight the role of Meridian Ground Systems, powered by FreeFlyer®, in shaping this future.
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Wrangling Chaos: Leveraging Tools for Cislunar Trajectory Design
Cislunar space has been one of the most up and coming topics in our industry. Recent years have brought a lot of activity and attention to the domain. NASA is leading the way with the Artemis program, which will send infrastructure and humans to the cislunar environment, but there are a variety of other components to this popular space vertical. Read this article to learn more about the latest trajectory of cislunar space.
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Overcoming Observation Obstacles in Cislunar Space for Safe and Successful Exploration
Cislunar space is the volume containing the Earth, the Moon, and just beyond the Moon. The region is not rigorously defined; however, it is a regime where neither the gravitational forces associated with Earth, nor the Moon can be neglected. Subsequently, the unique dynamics enable the existence of exotic orbits and trajectories that are not found in near-Earth space. These exotic orbits and trajectories enable exploration of regions that are otherwise difficult to reach.
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Navigating the Space Frontier: Addressing the Challenges in Space Situational Awareness with FreeFlyer®
Space has increasingly become a theater for complex operations, as nations deploy satellites for various purposes. The recent incident involving a Russian satellite, Kosmos-2558, shadowing a US military satellite, USA-326, illustrates the need for vigilant monitoring and management of assets in space. Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) play critical roles in understanding and predicting the behavior of objects in space. This blog post delves into the significance of SSA and SDA, highlights recent news, and demonstrates how FreeFlyer's capabilities can be pivotal in tackling challenges in SSA and SDA for both government and commercial space entities.
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Introducing FreeFlyer® 7.8
The FreeFlyer Team is proud to bring you FreeFlyer 7.8, optimized for your mission! FreeFlyer 7.8 is packed with new user-requested features to improve your mission’s success.
Read MoreFreeFlyer Team Visits 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference to Present on James Webb Space Telescope
Members of a.i. solutions FreeFlyer team recently had the pleasure of attending the 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. While at the conference, not only did the team have the opportunity to share the latest updates on FreeFlyer, select members presented a variety of white papers on industry-related topics covering a variety of details about the James Webb Space Telescope. Visit this page to learn more.
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FreeFlyer Doubles JWST Lifetime for Science
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) successfully launched onboard an Ariane 5 rocket on December 25, 2021, at 12:20 UTC — a Christmas miracle for more than 1,000 contributing scientists, engineers, and technicians over the last 30 years. This global collaboration included NASA, partners, and contractors from at least 14 countries and 29 US states, including partner agencies European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Learn more about how FreeFlyer® is supporting the JWST on its journey.
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What Happens When Space Debris Impacts the Far Side of the Moon?
On March 4, 2022, an unidentified rocket booster impacted the far side of the Moon near its Hertzsprung crater. The far side of the Moon permanently faces away from the Earth because it is tidally locked to the Earth. After years in a Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) the booster made a series of lunar flybys that put it on a collision course with the Moon. Check out this article for the full story on the space debris impact.
Read MoreJames Webb Space Telescope: Launch Overview
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on December 25, 2021, to become the world’s premier space science observatory. JWST is the culmination of collaboration from engineers and scientists around the world to collect observations of planets, stars, and the formation of galaxies across the universe.
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Managing Constellations: A Flight Dynamics Perspective
Discover a.i. solutions' role in the modernization of satellite operations in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) as we sit down with Andrew Werner, Director of Space Products.
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AWS Licensing with FreeFlyer
Whether you are setting up a flight dynamics microservices pipeline to automate your constellation’s daily operations or moving your flight dynamics analysis tools to a more secure and distributed architecture, FreeFlyer allows you to set up Cloud workflows easily in AWS.
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Optimal Asteroid Deflection in FreeFlyer
You’ve just found out that an asteroid is headed toward the Earth, what are you going to do? Assemble a team of rag-tag oil drillers and launch them into space? If you’re in Hollywood, that’s probably your answer.
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Introducing FreeFlyer® 7.6
FreeFlyer® 7.6 provides complete astrodynamics functionality for missions of any size, any scale, any orbit regime. From planning to spacecraft disposal, FreeFlyer supports the full lifecycle of your mission.
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New FreeFlyer® Student Spotlight Program
Introducing FreeFlyer's new Student Spotlight Program that recognizes students for their outstanding use of the most popular astrodynamics software. Click the button below to find out more and register today for your chance to win!
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How To Learn FreeFlyer® Astrodynamics Software
There are many resources available from the FreeFlyer Team to help you learn while evaluating the software or preparing for FreeFlyer certification exams. In this article, we discuss five ways you can begin learning the essential fundamentals of FreeFlyer.
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Tips and Tricks for Designing a Constellation in FreeFlyer®
FreeFlyer is a powerful astrodynamics software tool that gives the user the power to model satellite constellations of any size; whether it be pre-launch mission analysis or nominal operations and flight dynamics support, FreeFlyer powers your constellation’s design, analysis, and operations. Find out a few tips and tricks surrounding constellation design in FreeFlyer.
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FreeFlyer® Certification
The FreeFlyer team is thrilled to announce the launch of our new FreeFlyer Certification Program! Test your knowledge of the fundamental skills necessary to use FreeFlyer by taking the Level 1 Certification Exam.
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Fly to the Moon with FreeFlyer®
A lunar revitalization is happening now as more and more industry partners are teaming together with both DoD and civil agencies to prepare new technologies bound for the Moon, Mars, and beyond through programs like the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, sending the next scientific and test payloads to the surface of the moon.
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FreeFlyer® Visualization Tips and Tricks
One of the most powerful capabilities in FreeFlyer is the ability to produce custom visualizations that allow you to portray your mission in the best light! FreeFlyer's scripting language allows you to build movie-quality camera manipulation directly into your Mission Plan.
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All New Terrain Modeling in FreeFlyer®
FreeFlyer 7.5 is pack full of new features including Line-of-Sight Terrain Modeling. Using the Terrain object, you can visualize terrain anywhere on Earth and compute visibility and viewshed combinations between any combination of assets in all analysis regimes.
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Introducing FreeFlyer® 7.4
FreeFlyer® 7.4 is the next major release of the Space Industry’s most capable flight dynamics software.
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Introducing FreeFlyer® 7.5
FreeFlyer 7.5 is pack full of new features including Line-of-Sight Terrain Modeling, Ground Vehicle and Non-Orbit Object Models, Mission Planning Reverse Playback, plus much more!
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Satellite Constellation Missions with FreeFlyer® Astrodynamics Software
Flying multiple satellites in formation within a constellation or cluster is a complex task: coordinated orbital maintenance maneuvers, efficient collision avoidance analysis, and combined coverage over geographical regions all require the right tools. a.i. solutions' FreeFlyer Astrodynamics software is packed with capabilities that allows you to design a constellation to your specifications and perform the analyses needed to ensure your mission's success.
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OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Rendezvous
As OSIRIS-REx begins its rendezvous with the famous asteroid Bennu on December 3, 2018, you can visualize its approach in this simulation using a.i. solutions' FreeFlyer® Software.
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FreeFlyer® 7.3 Tips and Tricks
Enhance your FreeFlyer scripting expertise with these lesser-known tips and tricks!
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FreeFlyer® 7.3 now available!
We are pleased to release FreeFlyer 7.3, the newest major release of FreeFlyer, now available for download!
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FreeFlyer® 7.3 Preview
Take a sneak peek at what's coming in the next version of FreeFlyer, available this September!
Read MoreFreeFlyer® 7.2 New Features
The FreeFlyer Team at a.i. solutions is proud to announce the release of the newest version of our software, FreeFlyer 7.2. This is a major release, with numerous new features and enhancements. Here’s the full list of what’s new in this release!
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FreeFlyer 7.1 is now available for download! This is a major release, with numerous new features and enhancements. Read on for the full list of what’s new in this latest release.
Read MoreFreeFlyer® Delivering Situational Awareness to Qatar
a.i. solutions is supporting Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company, by providing a customized 2D/3D situational awareness mission display utilizing our FreeFlyer software for the upcoming Es’hail-2 communications satellite.
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