The angular velocity vector associated with the quaternion attitude system. The angular velocity will be applied with respect to the attitude frame defined by the GroundVehicle.AttitudeRefFrame property.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
Units: deg/s
When displayed in a Mission View the specified text will be drawn at each tail point. The value may be modified between updates to change the text drawn at subsequent points.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The Direction-Cosine-Matrix (DCM) that defines the rotation from the specified Attitude Reference Frame to the GroundVehicle Body Coordinate System.
Type: Matrix
Access: Read/Write
This is the GroundVehicle's attitude reference frame. It is necessary to define the AttitudeRefFrame property of the GroundVehicle prior to defining the attitude system properties.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
Specifies which attitude system set defines the GroundVehicle state.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
A scale factor to increase or decrease the size of the GroundVehicle model in a Mission View. The BodyScale property assumes the model dimensions are in units of meters, similar to the ThreeDModel.Scale property. If, for example, the ThreeDModel.Scale is set to 1, the GroundVehicle.BodyScale will have to be set to 1 in order to make bounding boxes coincide with the model.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Name of the body that defines the origin of the GroundVehicle's position and velocity. This can be a user-defined CelestialObject or one of the following pre-defined bodies:
In order to translate the origin of a GroundVehicle's state to a different central body, simply change the GroundVehicle.CentralBody property.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
CelestialObject that defines the origin for the GroundVehicle's position and velocity.
Type: CelestialObject
Access: Read-Only
The color of the GroundVehicle tail when displayed in a Mission View. The color can be overridden for an individual view using the ViewWindow.SetObjectColor() method.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
The name of the object as declared.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
Returns the number of days having passed since the first time this property is read on a specific line of script.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
Units: day
The current GroundVehicle date and time in International Atomic Time (TAI) in the Modified Julian Date format. The returned value has units of days, measured from January 5, 1941 at 12:00:00.000 TAI.
Changing the value of this property does not cause the GroundVehicle's state to be propagated - the GroundVehicle's state will not be changed. In order to propagate a GroundVehicle to a desired epoch, use the Step command.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: day
These are the angles associated with the Euler attitude system. These angles will be applied as a set of three rotations to the GroundVehicle's attitude about the axes set in the GroundVehicle.EulerSequence property.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
Units: deg
Rate of change of the Euler angles.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
Units: deg/s
Axes of rotation that the EulerAngles are around.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
Reports the object's position components (X, Y, Z) referenced to the Body Fixed coordinate system of its central body.
Type: Array
Access: Read-Only
Units: km
The heading, measured clockwise from North in degrees, that the vehicle is on. Manually setting heading adjusts the components of the GroundVehicle.SurfaceVelocity such that the magnitude remains the same, but the unit vector direction is adjusted.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: deg
The bodydetic height of the GroundVehicle above the reference ellipsoid.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: km
Determines if the visualized GroundVehicle tail is unlimited in length, or whether new points replace the oldest points once the tail exceeds the GroundVehicle tail length. The history mode can be overridden for an individual view using ViewWindow.SetObjectHistoryMode() method.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
The bodydetic latitude of the GroundVehicle measured from the equator.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: deg
The longitude of the GroundVehicle east of the prime meridian.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: deg
The name displayed for this object in output windows such as views, plots, and reports.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The unique identifier for the object.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The type of the object.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
Returns the GroundVehicle's X, Y, Z position referenced to the ICRF.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
Units: km
Determines which element set defines the GroundVehicle state. The chosen element set will determine the properties that are written to an external file when using the Put Command. A FreeFlyer ephemeris always contains Cartesian elements despite the value of this property.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The propagator for updating the state of the GroundVehicle.
Type: Propagator
Access: Read-Only
Returns the four components of the attitude quaternion of a GroundVehicle. The first three components represent the vector part of the quaternion, the last component represents the scalar part. FreeFlyer uses the right-handed convention when applying the quaternion rotation.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
The terrain object this GroundVehicle will use when performing terrain calculations.
Type: Terrain
Access: Read-Only
The GroundVehicle's sensors.
Type: Array of Sensor
Access: Read-Only
The magnitude of the velocity vector of the vehicle in km / hr. Manually setting speed adjusts the components of the GroundVehicle.SurfaceVelocity to use the new magnitude along the existing heading.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: km/hr
The surface velocity (velocity tangent to the local surface) of the vehicle in km/hr. The first component is the velocity magnitude along the local East direction. The second component is the velocity magnitude along the local North direction. Manually overwriting this adjusts the GroundVehicle's Heading and Speed properties to reflect the new velocity direction and velocity magnitude.
Type: Array
Access: Read/Write
Units: km/hr
The number of historical position points to save and draw in visualizations generated using the View command. A new point will be added each time the View command is called. If you use a ViewWindow object, the tail length set there will override this tail length.
In millisecond timing precision mode only, the deprecated "as Global" syntax can be used to update the View when any Vehicle is Stepped or Maneuvered.
Use caution in setting tail lengths longer than 10,000 - 30,000 points. Tail lengths exceeding this range can cause memory problems due to the large amount of relative position data that must be maintained. The maximum tail length that can be used safely depends on the amount of memory in the system and the number of objects managed by the Mission View.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
The file name of the file containing the 3D model that will represent the GroundVehicle in a Mission View.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The name of the ThreeDModel object that holds information about the physical geometry of the GroundVehicle.
Type: ThreeDModel
Access: Read-Only
The tick mark shape to draw at each point of the tail in a Mission View.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
Determines whether to use the Heading/Speed or the Surface Velocity when serializing a GroundVehicle.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The Cartesian X-component of the GroundVehicle's position vector, referenced to the ICRF.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: km
The Cartesian Y-component of the GroundVehicle's position vector, referenced to the ICRF.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: km
The Cartesian Z-component of the GroundVehicle's position vector, referenced to the ICRF.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Units: km