Flag controlling UT1-UTC time correction. Value should be set to 0 or 1. Value of 1 will apply the correction from the timing corrections file (UT1UTC.dat) when computing UTC. Value of 0 corresponds to no corrections applied resulting in UT1=UTC.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Determines whether the CIRF transformation will be computed exactly at each epoch, or interpolated. The interpolated mode should give the best balance of performance and accuracy for most configurations.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
Flag controlling computation of earth's polar motion. Value should be set to 0 or 1. Value of 1 causes polar motion effects to be calculated and added to earth's attitude. Value of 0 causes polar motion effects to be ignored.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Update method applied when reading Celestial Object position and velocity information from the planetary forces file (e.g., DE440).
A value of zero will cause the position and velocity to be updated to the full accuracy supplied. This is the instantaneous mode. This mode is recommended.
A positive value will cause the position and velocity to be updated to the nearest specified seconds. This is the quantitized mode. This mode may introduce discontinuities in the Celestial Object modeling and is not recommended.
A negative value will cause the position and velocity to be updated when the requested reading deviates by more that the absolute value in seconds from the previous update. This is the hysteresis mode. This mode may introduce discontinuities in the Celestial Object modeling and is not recommended.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: s
The name of the object as declared.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
File name for earth's Atmosphereric Model data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name that provides formulaic values so that FreeFlyer can internally calculate the DST epochs for a given year.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for Planetary model data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name Earth Orientation Parameter data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for earth's Atmospheric Electron Density model data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for earth's Geopotential model data.
This property can be overridden for individual Spacecraft using the ForceModel.PlanetoPotentialFilename string array.
The potential file used for each celestial body contains values for the physical properties of the body (Gravity Constant (mu), Body Radius, Reciprocal Flattening). These values are used when propagating the Spacecraft any time a potential file is used. For other calculations that depend on the physical properties of a celestial body, such as Spacecraft.Height or propagation of a Spacecraft with a point mass gravitational model, the celestial body physical properties are accessed using syntax such as "Earth.Mu".
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for Harris-Priester drag model data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for earth's Magnetic model data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for the station geodetics data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for earth's Solid Tide model data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
File name for the star data.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The name displayed for this object in output windows such as views, plots, and reports.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
Specifies the Earth orientation model to use to define the transformation from inertial to earth-fixed coordinates and vice versa.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The object that controls the Ionosphere is modeled.
Type: IonosphereOptions
Access: Read-Only
Determines whether celestial pole offsets are applied when coverting to/from ICRF-to-CIRF or ICRF-to-TEME.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The unique identifier for the object.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The type of the object.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
Path to the license file for the AstroStds library containing an implementation of the SGP4 algorithm. If this is left blank, then the system will look in the path of the library files for the license.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
Path to the libraries that contain the implementation of the SGP4 algorithm to use. If this path is not set, it uses the default installed version. Once set, the value of this path cannot be changed.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write