The name of the agency that produced the SP3 Precise Ephemeris. This property is included in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris header. A maximum of 4 characters is allowed.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
An array of Clock Event flags in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file. Each Clock Event Flag contains an epoch and PRN code for a Spacecraft clock that has an Event. This data is only contained in Version C of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris format.
Type: Array of FlagData
Access: Read-Only
An array of Clock Prediction flags in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file. Each Clock Prediction Flag contains an epoch and PRN code for a Spacecraft that has precicted clock data. This data is only contained in Version C of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris format.
Type: Array of FlagData
Access: Read-Only
Comments for the header of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: StringArray
Access: Read/Write
The data that was used to produce the SP3 Precise Ephemeris. This property is included in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris header. A maximum of 5 characters is allowed.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The name of the object as declared.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
The name displayed for this object in output windows such as views, plots, and reports.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The filename of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The final epoch in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read-Only
Units: day
The initial epoch in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read-Only
Units: day
An array of Maneuver flags in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file. Each Maneuver Flag contains an epoch and PRN code for a Spacecraft that has a maneuver. This data is only contained in Version C of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris format.
Type: Array of FlagData
Access: Read-Only
The number of epochs present in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The number of GPS PRNs contained in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The unique identifier for the object.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The type of the object.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
An array of Orbit Prediction flags in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file. Each Orbit Prediction Flag contains an epoch and PRN code for a Spacecraft that has predicted orbit data. This data is only contained in Version C of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris format.
Type: Array of FlagData
Access: Read-Only
The type of method that was used to produce orbit for the SP3 Precise Ephemeris. This property is included in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris header. A maximum of 3 characters is allowed.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The identification of all the satellites in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file. The string includes GNSS Constellation name and the satellite number.
Type: StringArray
Access: Read-Only
A flag that indicates whether the all of the clock and orbit information in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file is predictive or definitive. This property is only used for writing to file, and will apply to all data points. This data is only contained in Version C of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris format.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
The number of seconds between each ephemeris point.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: s
The type of data that is included in the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file. The options include position and velocity data, or position only.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
The Version of the SP3 Precise Ephemeris file.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write