Vary |
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DescriptionThe Vary command specifies the object properties that are adjusted in a Targeting loop in order to meet a set of user-specified goals. For each object property that is varied, the user specifies an initial guess and a perturbation value, and optionally the allowable range of values. For more information, see the Targeting Guide.
Details•The Vary command can only be used inside a Target loop. •At least one Vary command must be present in every Target loop. As a best practice, a Target loop should have one Vary command for each Achieve command. •An unlimited number of object properties may be varied in a single Target loop, but a separate Vary command is required for each. •Any FreeFlyer object property can be varied. •The seed, perturbation, and allowable range values can be specified using numerical values or FreeFlyer object properties or expressions that evaluate to numbers. •The Achieve command defines the goals of a targeting loop: the desired value and the allowable tolerance for a user-specified set of object properties. •If the current values of the Varied properties are such that the properties being Achieved are within the specified tolerance of their goal value, the Target loop converges on the current solution. •The ResetTargetingLoop command is an optional component of the Targeting loop which allows the user to re-initialize the seeds and perturbations of a Vary command if the Targeting process is not converging properly.
Command EditorNote: To add a Vary command via Command Editor, you must start with a Target command, and edit the Choose Parameters To Vary page.
Parameter to Vary
Seed Value
Use Constraints
See Also•Achieve Command •Iterate Command •Maneuver Command •DifferentialCorrector Properties and Methods •Target Command •Targeting Guide