Spacecraft Observation File |
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The SpacecraftObservationFile object provides functionalities for reading and writing SpacecraftObservation data (azimuth, elevation, range, range-rate, right ascension, and declination) to or from FreeFlyer's ASCII file format. The time system for data contained in the SpacecraftObservationFile is TAI in Modified Julian format and range and range-rate data are given in km and km/s, respectively. Azimuth, elevation, right ascension, and declination data are given in radians in the reference frame of the observing Sensor. Lastly, the spacecraft observer position is given in km, in the ICRF inertial reference frame.
The Spacecraft Observation file format holds the observation epoch to the millisecond level.
An example of the format of a Spacecraft Observation file is given below. The columns from left to right include measurement data as follows:
Some example of observation file data:
See Also