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The Receive command assigns data to FreeFlyer object properties using data transmitted from an external program (including other instances of FreeFlyer) via a TCP/IP Socket connection. A common use of the Receive command is to obtain orbit information from other programs and legacy components in a ground system in order to generate products or plan a maneuver. For more information, see the Sockets Guide.




Receive myVariable from Socket1;

Receive myVariable<myWidth> from mySocket;
Receive myVariable<0>, mySpacecraft.A<0> from mySocket;

Receive myStringArray, myArray, mySpacecraft.Position from mySocket;


Where myWidth evaluates to an integer.




An unlimited number of writable properties can be received.

The Receive command must be used on a previously defined Socket object, which has been initialized via the Open command.

When receiving Array and StringArray objects through a Socket connection, their dimension must be the same as when the Receive command was first called.

"myWidth" is an optional qualifier that specifies the field width. The myWidth qualifier is only valid if the Socket is in ASCII mode.

o"myWidth" - The width qualifier works by ignoring the terminator character and reading the specified number of characters from the stream, and updating the current location within the stream according. If the value of myWidth is 0, the whole string will be received.



Command Editor

Choose a Socket

Specifies the socket connection to receive data from


Choose Where to Store Received Data

Specifies the objects and/or properties that will be populated with the values of the received data



Displays the FreeFlyer Script that is generated by the editor



Displays descriptions of the editor and its fields

Description text changes as the mouse pointer moves over the different fields within the editor




See Also

Send Command

Open Command

Close Command

Sockets Guide