Predicts the required delta V vector, in the ICRF and units of km/s, required for a secondary Spacecraft to achieve the desired future relative position using the HCW equations of motion.
Timing Precision Mode
This page describes functionality in nanosecond timing precision mode.
Click here to see the documentation for this object in millisecond timing precision mode.
Overload List
Return Value
RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeDeltaVHCW(Spacecraft secondarySC, Spacecraft primarySC, Array futureRelativePosition, TimeSpan deltaT, Variable inputSystem)
Uses the HCW equations of motion to compute the required change in velocity (Delta-V) for the secondarySC to reach the specified futureRelativePosition with respect to the primarySC at a time deltaT in the future.
Note that the epochs and central bodies of the secondarySC and primarySC must match, and an error will be reported if they do not.
RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeDeltaVHCW(Spacecraft secondarySC, Spacecraft primarySC, Array futureRelativePosition, TimeSpan deltaT, Variable inputSystem, Array futureRelativeVelocity)
Uses the HCW equations of motion to compute the required change in velocity (Delta-V) for the secondarySC to reach the specified futureRelativePosition with respect to the primarySC at a time deltaT in the future. The relative velocity of the secondarySC with respect to the primarySC upon its arrival at the specified futureRelativePosition will be computed using the HCW equations of motion and stored in the relativeVelocityAtPosition array.
Note that the epochs and central bodies of the secondarySC and primarySC must match, and an error will be reported if they do not.
See also
RelativeMotionUtilities Object