Python Samples |
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These sample applications demonstrate various ways to use the Python interface for the Runtime API. There are two options for running the sample applications written for the Python interface in Windows, as described below.
The steps required to run the sample Python scripts in Linux are as follows.
Note: The Python files containing these examples are compatible with the Anaconda package and the coupled Spyder integrated development environment. The Python API interface is also available through the Python Wheel.
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Complex Multi-Engine AsynchronousThis example demonstrates a more complex usage of the runtime API in which four engines are used to execute two Mission Plans asynchronously and asynchronous data is used to coordinate information between the Mission Plans and the application. In this application, the C# runtime API interface is used to read and synch the epochs of a set of two line elements (TLEs). The first Mission Plan that is run reads the epoch of an input TLE and returns it to the application. This Mission Plan is executed asynchronously for each TLE in the set. The application then finds the latest epoch from the set and asynchronously calls the second Mission Plan to synch the TLEs to the latest epoch and report the results to file.
For more information on the topics covered by this example, see the Using the Runtime API and Asynchronous Programming guides.