Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData Method



Simulate OD tracking data. The measurement usage, noise, bias and error model settings are determined by the settings of the Observation provided as an argument and its associated Observing object.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in millisecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(BRTSObservation brtsObservation)


This method simulates BRTS data for the calling TDRS Spacecraft.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(CartesianStateObservation cartObservation)


This method simulates Cartesian State Observation data.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(EquinoctialStateObservation eqObservation)


This method simulates Equinoctial State Observation data.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(GroundStationObservation gsObservation)


This method simulates GroundStation data whenever the Spacecraft is in view of the observing GroundAntenna.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(PointSolutionObservation psObservation)


This method simulates PointSolution data, assuming that the Spacecraft is always in view of at least 4 GPS Spacecraft.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(SpacecraftObservation scObservation)


This method simulates Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft data whenever the calling Spacecraft is in view of the observing Sensor on-board the observing Spacecraft.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(PseudorangeObservation prObservation, Variable exclusionHeight)


Deprecated. Please use a GNSSObservation object instead.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(TDRSObservation tdrsObservation, Variable exclusionHeight)


This method simulates TDRS data whenever the calling Spaceceraft is in view of the TDRS Relay Spacecraft. A nadir-pointing Sensor must be added to the TDRS Relay Spacecraft.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(Formation gnssFormation, List<GNSSObservation> gnssObservations, Variable exclusionHeight)


This method simuluates GNSS Pseudorange data whenever the calling Spacecraft is in view of the observing sensor on-board one of the observing GNSS Spacecraft.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(Formation gnssFormation, List<PseudorangeObservation> prObservations, Variable exclusionHeight)


Deprecated. Please use a List of GNSSObservation objects instead.

Spacecraft.SimulateTrackingData(Formation gnssFormation, PointSolutionObservation psObservation, Variable exclusionHeight)


This method simulates PointSolution data whenever the Spacecraft is in view of at least 4 Spacecraft in the Formation provided as an argument. If the Formation is not being propagated with a RinexNavFile, a nadir-pointing Sensor must be added to each Spacecraft in the Formation.



See also

Spacecraft Object

Spacecraft Propagation Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide