Spacecraft.OrbitWizardRelativeMotionInTrack(Spacecraft, Variable) Method



Configures the orbit state of the calling Spacecraft to fly in an in-track formation with the specified in-track separation from the primarySC. The in-track formation is similar to the in-plane formation, but here the Spacecraft will follow each other in the same ground-track. This formation is achieved with a separation in RAAN, which corresponds to a cross-track oscillation of the secondary Spacecraft relative to the primary. The period of the cross-track oscillation is the same as the orbital period of the primary. The specified in-track separation represents the initial RIC-frame y-axis separation between the two Spacecraft.


This formation orbit wizard is based on the HCW system, so it assumes that the primarySC is in a two-body circular orbit, and that the secondarySC is near to the primary and propagated with the HCW propagator. If this is not the case, the actual propagated formation will not maintain the idealized relative motion.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Method Signature


Spacecraft primarySC,

Variable alongTrackSeparation)






The Spacecraft with which the calling Spacecraft will fly in formation. This orbit wizard assumes that the primary Spacecraft is in a circular orbit and using either a TwoBody or HCW propagator.





The along track separation, which represents the initial RIC-frame y-axis separation between the two Spacecraft.







mySpacecraft1.OrbitWizardRelativeMotionInTrack(mySpacecraft2, myVariable1);



See also

Spacecraft Object

Spacecraft Propagation Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide