Spacecraft.FOVInterference(Star, Spacecraft, Variable) Method



Returns the time of entry into an area of interference, the time of exit from the area of interference, and the duration of interference. Interference is defined to be the period when both an object of interest and an interfering object are within the field-of-view of a Spacecraft sensor, and the interfering object lies within a user-specified cone about the Spacecraft to object-of-interest vector.



Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in millisecond timing precision mode.


Note: This is an interval method. See the Interval Methods page for more information.

Note: This method has a state. See the Methods and Properties with State page for more information.


Method Signature


Star objectOfInterest,

Spacecraft interferenceObject,

Variable coneAngle)






The Star object in which the calling Spacecraft's sensor is interested. An element of a StarField object can be specified, i.e. myStarField[0].





The Spacecraft object that will impose interference on the calling Spacecraft's sensor if it is positioned such that it meets the criteria above.





This is the half angle of the cone in degrees for which the interference is determined.



Valid Range:

-360 ≤ coneAngle ≤ 360




Return Value





Returns the Calendar time of entry into an area of interference, the time of exit from the area of interference, and the duration of interference.


The FF_Preferences.IntervalEventReportingBehavior property controls whether the start and end of propagation are reported as events. By default, if the interference starts before the beginning of the propagation span, FreeFlyer will label the start of the propagation as the start of the interference. If the interference extends past the end of the propagation span, FreeFlyer labels the end of propagation as the end of the interference.



myString1 = mySpacecraft1.FOVInterference(myStar1, mySpacecraft2, myVariable1);



Example 1



See also

Spacecraft Object


Spacecraft Propagation Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide