Optimizer.MaximumInfeasibilitySource Property



Holds the string label corresponding to the state variable or constraint that possesses the highest bound violation (see the Optimizer.MaxInfeasibility propery for more information).


Labels for TrajectoryPhase variables/constraints are formatted as follows:


Variables: phaseA_nB_C

A : The phase number

B : The node number.

C : The state, time, or control element.

Can be: x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mass, time, or uD, where

D is the control variable number.


Collocation defect constraints: phaseA_cB_C

A : The phase number

B : The collocation point number.

C : The state derivative element.

Can be: vx, vy, vz, ax, ay, az, or mdot.


Node spacing constraints: phaseA_nB_spacing

A : The phase number.

B : The node number.


Control model path constraints: phaseA_nB_cmpc_C

A : The phase number.

B : The node number.

C : A short description of the path constraint.


Time of flight constraint: phaseA_tof

A : The phase number.


State boundary constraints: phaseA_sbc_B_C

A : The phase number.

B : The endpoint of the state boundary constraint.

C : A short description of the state boundary constraint.


State path constraints: phaseA_spc_nB_C

A : The phase number.

B : The node number.

C : A short description of the state path constraint.


Interphase link constraints: link_A_pB_C_pD_E

A : The link endpoint of the first phase

B : The phase number of the first phase.

A : The link endpoint of the second phase

D : The phase number of the second phase.

E : A short description of the interphase constraint.


Note: All phase/node/collocation point numbers are equivalent to the corresponding index plus one. In other words, the first node point corresponds to node number 1. Phases are numbered in the order they were added to the optimizer.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.









myString1 = myOptimizer1.MaximumInfeasibilitySource;


See also

Optimizer Object