FFEphemProperties.IsVectorDiscontinuous Method



Checks whether the specified vector has a discontinuity within it or not. Only works for FreeFlyer Ephemeris Version 2.0 and higher.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


FFEphemProperties.IsVectorDiscontinuous(Variable vectorIndex)


Checks whether or not the specified vector in the ephemeris has a discontinuity in any column.

FFEphemProperties.IsVectorDiscontinuous(Variable vectorIndex, Array columnIndices)


Checks whether or not the specified vector in the ephemeris has a discontinuity in any of the columns specified by 'columnIndices'.

FFEphemProperties.IsVectorDiscontinuous(Variable vectorIndex, String columnLabel)


Checks whether or not the specified vector in the ephemeris has a discontinuity in the column specified by 'columnLabel'.

FFEphemProperties.IsVectorDiscontinuous(Variable vectorIndex, StringArray columnLabels)


Checks whether or not the specified vector in the ephemeris has a discontinuity in any of the columns specified by 'columnLabels'.

FFEphemProperties.IsVectorDiscontinuous(Variable vectorIndex, Variable columnIndex)


Checks whether or not the specified vector in the ephemeris has a discontinuity in the column specified by 'columnIndex'.



See also

FFEphemProperties Object

Working with Ephemerides